Hey friends!
So this week something happened to my mum that really set off a lot of anger in me which is what inspired me to write this post.
It was about 7:30 on a Thursday night when my mum was walking from her work to a chemist through an outdoor car park to get some medicine for my brother. She was walking through this car park minding her own business when someone started throwing eggs at her. Because it was dark and there were quite a few cars around she didn't see who the person was or where the eggs were coming from.
As if society couldn't get any worse, any faith I once had is now completely diminished. I just don't understand who would do that to an innocent woman walking around and minding her own damn business. How does that warrant behaviour like that? I'll answer that for you, it doesn't.
I was previously already aware that there are truckloads of assholes in the world but to be brutally honest I was fine being blissfully unaware of their manoeuvres. As of recently it hasn't just been this incident that has bought the reality close to my attention. There have been a number of other occurrences of asshole-ish behaviour that I will neglect to elaborate on due to dire circumstances.
Now, unless you are the type of person who throws eggs at people, you probably understand why I hate people who act like 2 year-olds with such a passion. So, I'm not about to spend the next half an hour of my life explaining the reasons why I hate people of that variety. Instead, I'm going to give you some advice on how not to be a dick. Feel free to pass this on to your neighbourhood douche canoes.
- Don't start your sentence with the phrase "I'm not sexist but…" because chances are you probably are. Saying you're not sexist before saying something sexist doesn't make you un-sexist. The same rule applies with "I'm not racist but…" and "I'm not homophobic but…". Just don't bloody do it.
- Don't give people dirty looks. I don't care how much of a crappy day you might have had or how much you don't like a particular person. You don't know what's going on in their life and they probably don't want, nor need, the added burden of wondering why you looked at them a particular way. Besides, it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile kiddos.
- "She's pretty for a fat girl" is not a compliment. For one thing, this implies that a person can only be beautiful if they have a size 8 body and a pretty face. Secondly, this is the most backhanded comment that ever faced earth. Sure, I'll call her fat but it's okay because I also said she's pretty. No, sorry, it doesn't work like that. This same rule also applies with "he's attractive for a fat guy" etcetera, etcetera.
- Other people's misfortunes aren't funny. Don't be a brat and be grateful for what you have because there are people out there who don't have luxury of fresh, clean water.
- Don't be a hater. Instead of complaining about everything you don't like, perhaps start talking about those things that you do. You'll not only look like a more positive person, but you may find yourself starting to feel like one too.
- If someone doesn't have the same opinion as you, don't spend the next 3 hours pulling up a 21 page powerpoint slide telling them why their opinion is wrong. Opinions are a person's perceptions on a situation, they differ from person to person. Get over it.
- Don't snoop. If someone doesn't want to tell you something themselves, don't go out of your way to find out. Mind your own business and worry about your own life.
- Be respectful of those around you. Don't yell on the train or swear in front of children. If an elderly person gets on a full bus, offer them your seat. Courtesy goes a long way.
- Clean up your piss. If you get pee on the toilet seat or the floor, clean it up. It's not hard. No one likes to walk into a toilet and see little drops of pee on surfaces we have to either walk or sit on. You know you'd hate it if it happened to you.
- Don't cat call. Shouting out "hey slut" or some other derogatory comment at a person from your car window doesn't make you any friends. Whether your a guy or a girl, just don't do it.
And last but certainly not least, don't throw eggs at people! No one should have to tell you that.
So, those are my steps on how not to be a dick! Hopefully we've all learnt something today and the world will slowly, but surely, become a better place.
Peace and love to you all!
This is me, signin' off.
Actually by Ashlee xxx
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