Sunday, 21 June 2015

Annoying Teachers

Hey friends!

I finished up school for the semester on friday and with my new found freedom I've realised how annoying some teachers can be. So, here's a lil post pointing out the annoying things that some of my teachers do, and that yours probably do too. Hashtag soo0o relatable. 

Constantly niggle you about makeup. 

I get this so frequently it's not funny. My report even said "Ashlee needs to realise that as a role model for the younger students, she must abide by the uniform policy in regards to wearing makeup to school". Seriously?! I know, for myself, that if I didn't think I needed to wear makeup to school, I 100% would not. I waste about 15 minutes every morning doing my makeup, that's an extra 15 minutes I could be spending asleep, plus, makeup costs good money so why would I waste it on going to school? Teachers need to understand that girls have insecurities about the way that they look and if they want to cover up their spots and acne, they will. 

Nitpick about general uniform.

Look, I wasn't aware that the length of my socks was affecting my education, but I am deeply, deeply apologetic about this confusion. I'm sure every school has that one thing that people do that the teachers hate with regards to uniform. At mine it's wearing short socks with the winter uniform. Our teachers seem to be under the impression that if a student is seen wearing short socks with their uniform, a prospective parent will no longer wish to send their child to the school because apparently the incorrect wearing of socks is an abomination. I'm sorry but what? I'm sure every student would be passing their subjects with flying colours if our educators spend a little less time worrying about piercings, makeup, collars and socks and more time on actually doing their job and teaching the content.

Their moods change in a split second.  

I'm not even kidding, I have witnessed one of my teachers go from laughing and eating pizza in class to cracking the poo poos within 0.0000000001 seconds. Aside from being scary as heck, it was annoying. It amazes me how quickly they can go from having a joke around to losing their cool. It's frustrating because you don't know how to act, sometimes you might even, initially, think it's a joke, then they get even more mad. Excuse me sir, I came to school today to learn, not deal with your mood swings so please refrain from invading my environment with your negative attitude, that'd be great, thank you so much. 


This is in capitals because I'm still mad about my legal studies exam result. Have any of you ever been in a situation where you need one mark to take you from a B+ to an A so you go to your teacher to try and persuade them to give you that one mark and they turn around and say to you "look, I could give you a mark for that, but I'm not doing to". PARDON ME?! This isn't some game where you can choose whether or not to give a student a mark based on whether you want to or not, this is shiz that affects our future, you could ease up a bit, you know?

Give you revision that's not on the exam. 

If I don't need to know it, why would I need to learn it? Oh, that's right, I wouldn't. Don't give me a 300 page booklet of revision notes if I only need about 10 pages of it. The same goes for when they put questions on an exam that they know wasn't in the revision. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? I'm starting to think that some teachers actually want their students to fail. 

There is always that one student that the love/hate. 

Without a doubt, there will always be that one student who sucks up to their teachers and as much as people say they hate suck ups, teachers absolutely thrive off it. There's also the student that they absolutely hate. This person doesn't even necessarily have to do anything to make their teacher dislike them majority of the time. It's almost as if on their first day of teaching a class they scan the room and pick two people, one who they are going to hate, and one who they are going to love. I'm usually the kid that they hate, or the one that they don't really notice. I have this one teacher at my school that has hated me for 3 years because I failed her class due to the fact that she didn't appreciate the way I presented my work. Soz not soz. 

So there we have it! Those are some of the annoying things that teachers do! Let me know in the comments if any of your teachers do the same things or any other annoying things that they do!

This is me, signin' off.

Actually by Ashlee xxx

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